Friday, August 31, 2007

Feeling Funky

Just feeling funky so thought I'd let you know. Thirty days away from a heart attack makes the heart grow fonder for friends, sunsets and monarchs that are willing to flit through the sky and do my exercising for me. Pigeons waddle around and poop a lot and unfortunately I still feel like a pigeon. Maybe someday I can again spend more time in the air with the butterfly and less time waddling around.

Hoping someday I'll return to the trails where my tough friends dwell so I can tell them about my setback if they want to listen, and they usually do want to hear from a fellow runner. I suppose it's just one of the responsibilities of running that brings runners together for sometimes brief and occasionally lengthy chats.

Do really good people naturally gravitate to the trails or do ordinary people attack the trails and become really good people?

1 comment:

WendyCity Productions said...

We runners exist in a parallel universe where everyone and everything is wonderful as long as we haul our collective asses off the couch and get out there, even if we're walking! When I'm having a crappy run (which is most of the time, these days), I see everyone else who's out there on the trail, even if they're having crap runs, too, and that makes us great.