Monday, April 23, 2007

Okay, I'll keep running

I've been beating the hell out of myself for I don't know how long for not training better, not running a Boston qualifying time, for getting too damned old too soon.
Then Saturday morning I ran a 5K with my son's girlfriend. It was her first ever go at that distance, first time running outdoors, first time running with a group of crazy goddamned fools!
I ran with her, thinking she might want to walk a bit but noooo!
Then we hit the one and only aid station and I suggested a cup of water thinking we might sip our drink and walk and talk a bit. Hell noooo!
She took a drink, threw the cup in the waste barrel and took off.
So, I said to myself...self...this girl is on a mission...and you know something funny...I started smiling as I BSd with her to around 3 miles then told her we needed to sprint finish and scare the hell out of some people.
She thought that was great and away we went.
To make a long story short, I don't remember now what I have been bitchin about.
To run with someone in their first ever race and see them finish strong and with a big proud smile tends to make any bump or bruise I may have ever had disappear in a big hurry.
I'm signed up for Chicago's Soldier Field 10 miler the end of May, the Distance Classic half marathon this summer and....of course I'm in for my Chicago Marathon on Oct. 2.
And I'm for sure going to get in as many 5 and 10ks as I can this summer.

Guess I'll keep running and training.


Deb said...

Hey Sam! How's it going?! Yes, Boston was an adventure this year, but a good one. Gald you stopped by and I'll be reading! ;)

Papa Louie said...

Nice to make commitments but remember to have fun sticking with it. Sounds like you had fun running that 5K too. Nothing like a girl to push you and get you motivated. I hope you have great success in your training and racing this year. Maybe next year I'll see you in Chicago.

Soapin' Cindy said...

I've been waiting on another post from you! Keep on running!